{{ :pacommex:dscn2901.jpg?300|}} ====== Presentations & Guests ====== ===== The AmigaOne A1222+ ===== Want to know about the new AmigaOne A1222+? Robert Bernardo gives his impressions of the A1222+ as he goes through the system! Throughout the expo, attendees are encouraged to give the computer a spin. :) ===== Dan Sanderson and the Mega65 ===== {{ :pacommex:sanderson.jpg?75|}} Mega65 guru Dan Sanderson returns to PaCommEx, along with his Mega65. He'll have the latest info on this re-creation of the Commodore 65. ===== Trevor Dickinson ===== {{ :class:trevor.jpg?75|}} Filmed at his home in New Zealand, Trevor Dickinson of A-EON shows us his massive Commodore and Amiga collection and then gives us a few words about the AmigaOne X5000 and A1222+. ===== Color Printing on the Commodores ===== {{ :pacommex:barlow.jpg?100|}} Rob Barlow returns, this time showing off how to color-print with Commodore computers. ===== Slow Scan Television and the C64 ===== {{ :class:rogerv.jpeg?100|}} In this video presentation, Roger Van Pelt, vice-president of the Fresno Commodore User Group, shows how to receive Slow Scan Television (SSTV) on the Commodore 64. ===== TeensyROM for the C64/128 ===== {{ :pacommex:teensyromimage.jpg?100|}} What is the best modern cartridge for the C64/128? Answers vary, but the TeensyROM is up there with the best. Travis Smith's TeensyROM is a ROM Emulator, Fast Loader, MIDI, and Internet cartridge. (By fast loader, he means that .prg's and crt's load fast into RAM from the TeensyROM Flash or from connected USB sticks/microSD cards.) Robert Bernardo will present the TeensyROM with a collection of over 2,100 games from the OneLoad C64 Collection. ===== Robert Bernardo ===== {{ :class:robertb.jpg?100|}} Robert will be on hand to show off his eternal enthusiasm for the Commodore line as well as relate his globe-trotting experiences for Commodore and Star Trek fandom. He is the president of the Fresno Commodore User Group ( [[http://www.dickestel.com/fcug.htm]] ), the leader of the Southern California Commodore & Amiga Network ( [[http://www.portcommodore.com/sccan]] ), and is a member of The Other Group of Amigoids ( [[http://togausergroup.org]] ) and the Sacramento Amiga Computer Club ( [[http://sacc.org]] ). He is the organizer of the Commodore Los Angeles Super Show, the Pacific Commodore Expo NW, and the Commodore Vegas Expo.