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Larry's Commodore Information Pages

Larry's Downloadable Commodore Helpsheets:

Here are a few things I've made up, usually expanding on designs I've seen in the past:

Commodore Multichart

multichart previewCharacter/Byte Multichart - This is a Commodore Multichart on steroids, it lists various byte representations in Commodore 8-bit computers, Character Symbols (using the VIC-20 character ROM for best representation w/grey borders) Character Codes of PETASCII, Screen Code, true ASCII, 6502 ML, and BASIC Tokens for most of the 8-bit Commodores. As one person put it, “a Commodore Rosetta Stone.”

Screen Design Grids

design grid preview40 Column Character Maps - Two 40×25 grids to help Commodore 8-bit programmers plan screen displays. One in decimal notation, the other in hexadecimal for ML programmers. (includes common Commodore 8-bit screen start memory locations.) Great for either free-sketching out designs and then working out the Commodore characters to use or planning a game board or entry screen.