CLASS Presentations & Guests

David Pleasance

David Pleasance of Commodore UK joins us in-person at CLASS! Have a chat with David, buy one or all of his books (Commodore:the Inside Story; From Vultures to Vampires volumes 1-3), and get him to autograph the books right at the show! Maybe he can tell you secrets of Commodore UK that no one else knows! See David's presentation at

Trevor Dickinson

Filmed at his home in New Zealand, Trevor Dickinson of A-EON shows us his massive Commodore and Amiga collection and then gives us a few words about the AmigaOne X5000 and A1222+. See Trevor's tour at

Bernie Innocenti

Bernie started his Commodore/Amiga programming as a teenager in Florence, Italy, and later was part of the team that created Pinocchio for the CDTV. He runs the System Shock BBS. Bernie is set to appear on Saturday and Sunday.

AmigaVision Compared to Scala

Marc Rifkin, our resident expert in Amiga multi-media, has a showdown between the premier packages of the day, AmigaVision and Scala.

Converting Amiga .ADFs to Real Disks (tentative)

Mario Luppi will show attendees the art of taking .ADFs downloaded from a PC and converting them (with the use of Amiga Explorer) to real disks that can be used on Amiga computers.

Slow Scan Television and the C64

In this video presentation, Roger Van Pelt, vice-president of the Fresno Commodore User Group, shows how to receive Slow Scan Television (SSTV) on the Commodore 64. See Roger's presentation at

Also Roger plans a live presentation on another SSTV/FAX subject for the C64.


First-timer CLASS attendee Sasa Pocek gives a look at the latest beta version of this first-person Doom-like shooter for the Amiga. See Sasa's presentation at

A Slideshow of Visits to MAUG, SAUG, and ARB

Robert Bernardo tells about his recent (March) visits to the Melbourne Amiga User Group, the Sydney Amiga User Group, and the Amiga Retro Brisbane club.

Last modified:: 2024/12/15 19:56
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