Presentations & Guests

The AmigaOne A1222+

Want to know about the new AmigaOne A1222+? Robert Bernardo gives his impressions of the A1222+ as he goes through the system! (A1222+ presentation postponed due to technical difficulties.) Throughout the expo, attendees are encouraged to give the computer a spin. :)

Dan Sanderson and the Mega65

Mega65 guru Dan Sanderson returns to PaCommEx, along with his Mega65. He'll have the latest info on this re-creation of the Commodore 65. See his presentation at

Trevor Dickinson

Filmed at his home in New Zealand, Trevor Dickinson of A-EON shows us his massive Commodore and Amiga collection and then gives us a few words about the AmigaOne X5000 and A1222+. See his presentation at

Color Printing on the Commodores

Rob Barlow returns, this time showing off how to color-print with Commodore computers.

TeensyROM for the C64/128

What is the best modern cartridge for the C64/128? Answers vary, but the TeensyROM is up there with the best. Travis Smith's TeensyROM is a ROM Emulator, Fast Loader, MIDI, and Internet cartridge. (By fast loader, he means that .prg's and crt's load fast into RAM from the TeensyROM Flash or from connected USB sticks/microSD cards.) Robert Bernardo will present the TeensyROM with a collection of over 2,100 games from the OneLoad C64 Collection. See his presentation at

Travis Smith

Travis Smith, creator of the TeensyROM, will be on-hand to answer any further questions on this C64 device. He will also have some units to sell.

Bernie Innocenti

Amiga game programmer, Bernie Innocenti, flies in from Boston to attend PaCommEx! He will be examining the new AmigaOne A1222+, and you can listen in on his pithy comments as takes the machine out on a test drive.

Robert Bernardo

Robert will be on hand to show off his eternal enthusiasm for the Commodore line as well as relate his globe-trotting experiences for Commodore and Star Trek fandom. He is the president of the Fresno Commodore User Group ( ), the leader of the Southern California Commodore & Amiga Network ( ), and is a member of The Other Group of Amigoids ( ) and the Sacramento Amiga Computer Club ( ). He is the organizer of the Commodore Los Angeles Super Show, the Pacific Commodore Expo NW, and the Commodore Vegas Expo.

Last modified:: 2024/12/15 20:02
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