====== CLASS Presentations & Guests ===== {{:class2024:watchingpresentation.jpg?300|}} ===== David Pleasance ===== {{ :class2024:pleasance.jpg?75|}} David Pleasance of Commodore UK joins us in-person at CLASS! Have a chat with David, buy one or all of his books (Commodore:the Inside Story; From Vultures to Vampires volumes 1-3), and get him to autograph the books right at the show! Maybe he can tell you secrets of Commodore UK that no one else knows! See David's presentation at [[https://youtu.be/XRmETyjpLg0]] ===== Trevor Dickinson ===== {{ :class2024:trevor.jpg?75|}} Filmed at his home in New Zealand, Trevor Dickinson of A-EON shows us his massive Commodore and Amiga collection and then gives us a few words about the AmigaOne X5000 and A1222+. See Trevor's tour at [[https://youtu.be/ydTmyj0d7uc]] ===== Bernie Innocenti ===== {{ :pacommex2024:bernie-c64-mini.jpg?75|}} Bernie started his Commodore/Amiga programming as a teenager in Florence, Italy, and later was part of the team that created Pinocchio for the CDTV. He runs the System Shock BBS. [[https://www.codewiz.org/wiki/SystemShockBBS]] Bernie is set to appear on Saturday and Sunday. ===== AmigaVision Compared to Scala ===== {{ :class2024:rifkin.jpg?50|}} Marc Rifkin, our resident expert in Amiga multi-media, has a showdown between the premier packages of the day, AmigaVision and Scala. ===== Converting Amiga .ADFs to Real Disks (tentative) ===== {{ :class2024:mariol.jpg?75|}} Mario Luppi will show attendees the art of taking .ADFs downloaded from a PC and converting them (with the use of Amiga Explorer) to real disks that can be used on Amiga computers. ===== Slow Scan Television and the C64 ===== {{ :class2024:rogerv.jpeg?75|}} In this video presentation, Roger Van Pelt, vice-president of the Fresno Commodore User Group, shows how to receive Slow Scan Television (SSTV) on the Commodore 64. See Roger's presentation at [[https://youtu.be/2jUSwpfihHA]] Also Roger plans a live presentation on another SSTV/FAX subject for the C64. ===== Grind ===== First-timer CLASS attendee Sasa Pocek gives a look at the latest beta version of this first-person Doom-like shooter for the Amiga. See Sasa's presentation at [[https://youtu.be/obf04dUNQa8]] ===== A Slideshow of Visits to MAUG, SAUG, and ARB ===== {{ :class2024:robertb.jpg?100|}} Robert Bernardo tells about his recent (March) visits to the Melbourne Amiga User Group, the Sydney Amiga User Group, and the Amiga Retro Brisbane club.