~~NOTOC~~ ====== Prizes / Items for Sale ====== !!!! Tickets are free. Must be present to win. !!!! {{:pacom2024:dscn5377.jpg?300|}} ===== Door Prizes ===== Big door prize - a boxed Commodore 128 with power supply, original System Guide, and Compute's 128 Programmer's Guide ! USB sticks with the latest Aminimiga distribution so you can have an Amiga desktop on THEA500 Mini! NOS packages from Free Spirit Software's Christmas Classics (music disk for the Amiga)! LittleSixteen motherboard - Build your own improved Commodore 16! ===== Items for Sale ===== Saturday only -- Larry Owens writes, "I have a lot of things I’d like to sell... I used to own/run the largest Amiga dealership in the PNW in Seattle, OMNI International Trading, and still have a lot of things from that day for VIC, C-64, Amiga, and PET." Get ready to shop through his items! Both expo days, Travis Smith will be on-hand to sell his C64/128 TeensyROM. He accepts cash, Paypal, and Venmo. ==== Freebie table! ==== Pick up anything from manuals to other hardware! Just added... a Texas Instruments TI-99 from Ray Carlsen! He says it gives a scrambled screen. Free for you to repair, or if you're generous, give a few bucks to Ray!