What's Happening in the Amiga World

Lars Nelson brings us up-to-date with the latest.

Viva Amiga cancelled

Zach Weddington, producer of the Viva Amiga film, has dropped out.

The Making of Run-Stop/Restore, the 10th Anniversary Edition

Lenard Roach talks about the process of getting his book published.

Downloading with the Commodore and modem

Robert Bernardo shows how to download and convert with the use of a Commodore, a modem, and a shell account.

Demonstration of the mysterious SUX 6400 Hardware and its Digimaster 64 Software

The “project engineer” shows how to use the newly-built C64 hardware, the Sound Ultimate Xpander, with its accompanying software in its world premiere. Game Server Service

Greg Alekel will demonstrate how easily and quickly you can design a multi-player on-line game.

Incremental EasyFlash Programming

Steve Davison will go into programming techniques with the C64 EasyFlash cartridge.

Dick Estel

Fresno Commodore User Group treasurer and former FCUG vice-president and newsletter editor Dick Estel will be attending CommVEx. Time permitting, he may talk about his work on the GEOFont Companion.

How to use EasyFlash

Greg Alekel tells the in's-and-out's of the C64 EasyFlash cartridge. Learn how to get the most out of it.

To Text and Back Again

Steve Davison explains how to develop BASIC programs by using the C64List utility.

Flying with the C64

Robert Bernardo takes you on a flight with the Radio Controlled Flight Simulator (RCFS) with analog dual-joysticks. RCFS even works with the Turbomaster 4 MHz. and SuperCPU 20 MHz. accelerators.