Exhibit tables are free…just pay the $10 admission.
Vending tables are free… just pay the $10 admission and give one item for the raffle.
For more details, contact Robert Bernardo at: rbernardo@iglou.com
Computer Station of Long Beach, California will have new software to sell.
Darryl McGinnis, officer of the former AAUG (Arizona Amiga User Group), will have C64, C128, and Amiga hardware and software for sale.
John Ferrell will have these items for sale: Panasonic Flippy Modded drives, sealed boxes of Verbatim & Maxell DSDD blank disks, joysticks, boxed software, loose retail disks, new 5.25“ floppy disk drive cleaning kits, printer and modem interfaces and modems, various Amiga 2/3/4000 cards, Amiga digital drawing pad, Amiga Supradrive, Enhancer 2000 Drive, empty 3 unit 5.25 drive case with internal power supply & fan, empty single unit 5.25 drive case with internal power supply & fan, repairable C64 power supplies from various manufacturers, MSD SD-2 disk drive with cover (non-working but complete), and other miscellaneous stuff.
The Toronto PET User Group and JPPBM (Joe P. Palumbo by Mail) will have the TPUG Library CD (10,000+ programs for your Commodores!) along with a selection of stuff from JPPBM, like brand new Super Snapshot v5 cartridges, diagnostic carts, miscellaneous software, and cool keychains.
The Clark County Commodore Computer Club (of Las Vegas) and guests have a place for hardware and software to give away!