This information file is written to accompany the 6 different Commodore C65 demo/utility disks archived and uploaded by myself on 30 November '94. (The C65 was a computer that CBM was designing, but never brought to market. A limited number were made available to the public in 1994 due to CBM's money woes). The disks were made available to me for copying by Dennis Jarvis, who was one of the systems engineers under contract to Commodore in the late '80's and early '90's, prior to the bankruptcy/receivership (outcome still in doubt at the time of this writing) of CBM Int'l. My understanding is that he was the person primarily working on the DOS for the C65. At the present time I have not had a chance to run any of these disks or contents on my C65's. I accept no responsibility for the use of this material, being merely a means for public distribution of them. I believe there are a few files on them that refer only to the C64 and/or C128, but did not want to take the time to "weed" out any extraneous material. I have no idea exactly who is responsible for which files, but I'm sure that much credit must go to Fred Bowen and also to Dennis. There also appears to be material duplicated from one disk to the next, but I did not wish to change the contents of any from its' "original" state. The disks were archived using CS-DOS128, due to the mix of program and sequential files that I felt would present problems if archived using a mode under a different system such as MS-DOS or Unix. I include the original directory listings and descriptions of the actual labels on the disks as a means of keeping the information somewhat intact over time, and to help determine which version of the C65 will work with which disk. Please format and label your copies in keeping with this. And don't ask me about what's on them. What you see is what you get, and it's exactly what I got, and I don't know what it is yet! (grin). The "-----------" at beginning and end of each "label" are merely to mark the beginning and end of the label, and were not on the original label. Numbers such as 910416 refer to the date the file or disk was originally done (91 is year-1991, 04 is month-April, 16 is day in this example). ****************************************************************************** The following refers to the file named "c65disk1.lha". The original handwritten (in ink) label reads as follows: ---------------------------------- C65 demo disk #2 version 910107 Put in drive, turn system on to boot autoboot.c65* (the other programs have not been converted to ver 0.9A + DMA chip) 910124 FAB ----------------------------------- (the fab I assume to be Fred Bowen's initials-gp) Following is the actual directory prior to archiving. 1 "c65 demo 900907 " fb 3d 4 "iff demo" prg 2 "iff demo.bin" prg 193 "kingtut.iff" prg 193 "gorilla.iff" prg 193 "city1.iff" prg 193 "iris.iff" prg 193 "paintcan.iff" prg 193 "dreamhouse.iff" prg 193 "redporsche.iff" prg 193 "spaceship.iff" prg 193 "waif.iff" prg 193 "venus.iff" prg 193 "bunny.iff" prg 193 "planets2.iff" prg 1 "----------------" prg 3 "regina demo" prg 129 "regina.0" prg 129 "regina.1" prg 4 "regina.p" prg 1 "---------------" prg 3 "dp demo" prg 128 "dp.0" prg 128 "dp.1" prg 4 "dp.p" prg 4 "mouse.bin" prg 1 "pointers.bin" prg 1 "--------------" prg 3 "fb demo" prg 128 "fb.0" prg 128 "fb.1" prg 4 "fb.p" prg 5 "demo all" prg 5 "iff demo.8e" prg 4 "iff demo.bin.8e" prg 6 "iff ss" prg 14 "autoboot.c65.9a" prg 1 "demo.9.bin" prg 1 "rs232" prg 2 "ms-dos boot test" prg 0 blocks free. ********************************************************* The following refers to the file named "c65disk2.lha". The original PRINTED label reads as follows: ----------------------------------- C64DX c 1991 Commodore Electronics, LTD. DEMO DISK #2 910501 Requires ROM version 910415 ----------------------------------- On the back of the disk in pencil is the note "backup d0 to d1 910416". Following is the actual directory prior to archiving: 1 "sector skew 7 " 77 1d 32 "autoboot.c64dx.2" prg 1 "demo.9.bin" prg 193 "kingtut.iff" prg 193 "gorilla.iff" prg 193 "city1.iff" prg 193 "iris.iff" prg 193 "paintcan.iff" prg 193 "dreamhouse.iff" prg 193 "redporsche.iff" prg 193 "spaceship.iff" prg 193 "waif.iff" prg 193 "venus.iff" prg 193 "bunny.iff" prg 193 "planets2.iff" prg 128 "dp.0" prg 128 "dp.1" prg 4 "dp.p" prg 128 "fb.0" prg 128 "fb.1" prg 4 "fb.p" prg 129 "regina.0" prg 129 "regina.1" prg 4 "regina.p" prg 29 blocks free. ********************************************* The following refers to the file "c65disk3.lha". The original handwritten (in pencil) label reads: ------------------------------------------------- C64DX DEMO DISK #2D Use with ROM v910624 VIC 4567R7 DMA F018A Dennis-to use on your system, with old DMA chip, remove 3 0's from DATA 73-77 and change 81 from 5*12 to 5*9. To use with RAM-DOS, protect bank 8- change 8 to 9 in lines 20 + 93 -------------------------------------------------- Following is the actual directory prior to archiving: 1 "c65 demo 910610 " 04 1d 33 "autoboot.c64dx.4" prg 1 "demo.9.bin" prg 193 "kingtut.iff" prg 193 "gorilla.iff" prg 193 "city1.iff" prg 193 "iris.iff" prg 193 "paintcan.iff" prg 193 "dreamhouse.iff" prg 193 "redporsche.iff" prg 193 "spaceship.iff" prg 193 "waif.iff" prg 193 "venus.iff" prg 193 "bunny.iff" prg 193 "planets2.iff" prg 128 "dp.0" prg 128 "dp.1" prg 4 "dp.p" prg 128 "fb.0" prg 128 "fb.1" prg 4 "fb.p" prg 129 "regina.0" prg 129 "regina.1" prg 4 "regina.p" prg 1 "demo.10.bin" prg 1 "demo.10.1400" prg 26 blocks free. ********************************************** The following refers to the file named "c65disk4.lha" The original label (just black marker on disk) reads: ------------------------------------------ 910923 Demo disk ------------------------------------------ Following is the actual directory prior to archiving: 1 "c128 basic " 04 3d 188 "0000-007d.zp" seq 126 "ram/" seq 217 "007f.zp" seq 213 "012b.zp" seq 64 "appendix.d" seq 7 "table" seq 4 "ram exp. demo" prg 16 "keyon/keyoff.s" prg 4 "keyon/keyoff.b" prg 1 "keyon/keyoff.o" prg 1 "color ram demo" prg 8 "variable dump.b" prg 49 "variable dump.s" prg 2 "variable dump.o" prg 3 "data generator" prg 11 "edma routine.s" prg 1 "edma routine.o" prg 2 "new edma example" prg 2243 blocks free. ***************************************** The following refers to the file named "c65disk5.lha" The original label (in ink) reads: ------------------------------------ C65 DOS TEST PROGS 12/89 1581 fmt ------------------------------------ Following is the actual directory prior to archiving: 1 "c65 dos " 99 3d 3 "rdxwt.bas" prg 2 "format.o.00" prg 1 "read-write.o" prg 2 "format.o" prg 3 "read" prg 4 "trk" prg 3 "dos.bin" prg 5 "dos.bas" prg 59 "fred.o" prg 2 "crc.bas" prg 1 "crc.1c00" prg 3 "newformat" prg 5 "foo.bas" prg 3 "foo.bin" prg 4 "fmt.1c00" prg 6 "newfmt.obj" seq 3 "newfmt.bin" prg 7 "newfmt1.obj" seq 3 "newfmt1.bin" prg 4 "newfmtx.bin" prg 7 "newfmt2.obj" seq 3 "newfmt2.bin" prg 9 "newdos.obj" seq 9 "newdos.obj1" seq 5 "newdos.bas" prg 1 "step80" prg 4 "newdos.bin" prg 5 "newdos1.bas" prg 9 "newdos1.obj" seq 4 "newdos1.bin" prg 1 "readfmt" prg 56 "jdos120889.bin" prg 1 "status" prg 1 "status1" prg 9 "newdos2.obj" seq 4 "newdos2.bin" prg 5 "newdos2.bas" prg 5 "d3.5" prg 5 "d5.25" prg 4 "5.25 512.bin" prg 5 "d5.25 512.bas" prg 1 "hello" seq 2884 blocks free. ******************************************** The following refers to the file "c65disk6.lha". The original label (just a plain white address label in ink) reads: ------------------------------------- C65 IFF DEMO REEL #1 FC65 (filecopy) hack ------------------------------------- Following is the actual directory prior to archiving: 1 "iff demo reel #1" fb 3d 12 "old demo" prg 140 "dreamhouse.pic" prg 62 "iris" prg 70 "paintcan" prg 1 "split.1200" prg 7 "iff.bin6d" prg 142 "xcar" prg 169 "family.640x200" prg 112 "faces" prg 102 "kingtut" prg 148 "gorilla" prg 79 "city2" prg 95 "city1" prg 242 "regina" prg 11 "pic256" prg 67 "bully.pic" prg 120 "waif" prg 44 "disksalv.pic" prg 192 "boat" prg 109 "spaceship" prg 228 "sparks" prg 91 "bees" prg 184 "storm" prg 14 "dp.64x20" prg 135 "venus" prg 74 "saturn" prg 81 "planets2" prg 82 "bunny" prg 77 "iff&dos.6d" prg 12 "demo2" prg 7 "iff.bin6e" prg 149 "eye" prg 57 "redporsche.pic" prg 17 "fc65" prg 1 "fc65.bin" prg 12 "demo" prg 15 blocks free. There you go-have fun!