INTRODUCTION The acronym EPROM stands for Eraseable, Programmable, Read Only Memory. It refers to another of those electronic marvels that came out of INTEL Corp. in the mid Seventies. A memory chip that the user can program to contain any sort of digital information whatsoever. And even better, a chip that can be erased by simple exposure to ultra-violet light and reused many times. With these abilities, it is no wonder that EPROM's are produced in such tremendous quantities. The dollar volume is exceeded only by that of dynamic RAM'S. With the tremendous proliferation of types and sizes, programming an EPROM became a very complicated undertaking. Many EPROM programming devices were designed to handle just a single EPROM type; and those that could do more required setting a multitude of switches or plugging In a 'personality module'. Some even required a voltmeter to set up. Programming an EPROM could easily take an entire afternoon. That unhappy situation suddenly changed with the introduction of the PROMENADE C1. By combining some sophisticated hardware with the power of an inexpensive personal computer, the PROMENADE makes the job almost trivial. And with new programming techniques, the PROMENADE cuts the time required to duplicate an EPROM from many minutes to just seconds. With all of its features and capabilities, the PROMENADE has set the standard for EPROM programmers all around the world. It has been widely imitated, even copied exactly; but its most important attribute has never been duplicated- VALUE. But even the best products can be improved, and with the introduction of PROMOS 2.0 the PROMENADE Is made even better. Simple, yet powerful commands for the manipulation of data In the computer and for moving that data to and from EPROM'S, disk drives and the like give performance and ease of use that have never before been achieved. Even better, these commands can be incorporated into BASIC programs that let the user customize his system to any EPROM programming application. The user is strongly urged to read this manual carefully and to thoroughly familiarize himself with the material. An hour or two spent this way will be repaid many times over. JASON-RANHEIM COMPANY Auburn, California November, 1988 -1-