Execution of this N command causes the computer to display the specified address followed by eight hexadecimal byte values- the data from locations A000 through A007. To display a memory range, from 2000 through DFFF, say, type: M2000,DFFF The screen fills and then scrolls rapidly as the data is printed. To stop the display at any point, press the RUN/STOP key. To begin the display again at the point where you stopped, type M alone and a carriage return. Notice the 'M' command displays RAM data, not ROM or IO devices which may overlay a particular address. CHANGING RAM DATA Suppose you want to change the data In memory somewhere. Just use the M command to display that area, move the cursor into the display to the desired location, type in the new hex value(s) and press RETURN on each altered line. RAM data is changed accordingly. You can also change the address field. In this way you can quickly copy data from one area of RAM to another. THE I COMMAND- Display ASCII data. This command works the same way as the M command except that the display shows printable ASCII characters rather than hex data. Thirty two characters appear on each line. For example: I6000,7FFF Displays ASCII characters In the range 6000 through 7FFF. You canNOT alter an ASCII string by over-typing and pressing RETURN. THE F COMMAND- Fill computer RAM. This command fills a specified range of memory with a specified data byte. For example: F2000,DFFF,FF This command fills memory from 2000 through DFFF with FF characters. THE T COMMAND- Transfer RAM data. -10-