D0,1FFF,5 This command produces a screen display of all the data on a 2764. The first two parameters are the starting and ending EPROM ADDRESSES of the range to be displayed. The third parameter is the CONTROL WORD for the particular EPROM. Another example: D6000,7FFF,E6 This command scans the top 8k of a 27256. THE A COMMAND- ASCII scan of EPROM data. The A command works just like the D command except that the display is of printable ASCII characters. For example: A0,7FF,28 In this example, we do an ASCII scan on all bytes of a 2716. THE E COMMAND- Check EPROM for erased condition. The data at all erased locations on an EPROM is FF; that is, all data bits are one's. To check for this condition, use the E command. An example: E0,3FFF,6 This command checks for FF at all locations on a 27128A. The EPROM addresses of all un-erased locations are printed on the screen. Their total number is also printed. The first and last addresses on the 27128A are 0 and 3FFF. The control word is 6. Another example: E800,FFF,EO This command checks for the erased condition of the top half of a 2732. THE P (or pi symbol) COMMAND- Program EPROM from computer memory. The key letter for this command can be either P or (pi symbol). The command works the-same either way. There are five parameters needed for this command: the STARTING and ENDING computer MEMORY ADDRESSES defining where the information is to come from, the STARTING ADDRESS on the EPROM specifying where we want the data to go, the CONTROL WORD; and the last parameter is the PROGRAM METHOD WORD (PMW -12-