INSTALLING A COMPUTER SAVER INSIDE YOUR PLUS/4 COMPUTER latest updates or corrections: 6-27-2014 You can install a Saver module without removing the PC board from the case. To begin, you need to cut a board trace to open the line between the power connector and power switch. Scrape the paint off the copper ends so you can solder wires there. Solder the input, output and ground wires as shown in the photos. When mounting the Saver, it's very important the module be physically isolated from the computer components so its metal base plate doesn't cause a short. You can use double-sided tape or some other kind of adhesive to secure it at the rear of the PC board. There is very little room between the PC board and the keyboard when the case top is put back. Anything in that area that sticks up will be crushed. Therefore, it's best to mount the Saver module at the rear of the PC board, as shown in the photo. Ray