SID 3-VOICE TEST PROGRAM 3-13-2012 For those wishing to test the 3 voices of the SID chip, here is a BASIC program to do that: 5 REM C64 SID 3-VOICE TEST PROGRAM 10 FORL=54272TO54296:POKEL,0:NEXT:POKE54296,15:GOSUB60 20 POKEW,17:POKEA,9:POKEHF,15:POKELF,35:POKES,128:GOSUB50:GOSUB70 30 POKEW,17:POKEA,9:POKEHF,20:POKELF,40:POKES,128:GOSUB50:GOSUB80 40 POKEW,17:POKEA,9:POKEHF,25:POKELF,50:POKES,128:GOSUB50:GOTO10 50 FORX=1TO2000:NEXTX:RETURN 60 W=54276:A=54277:HF=54273:LF=54272:S=54278:RETURN 70 W=54283:A=54284:HF=54280:LF=54279:S=54285:RETURN 80 W=54290:A=54291:HF=54287:LF=54286:S=54292:RETURN Line 10 resets the SID and POKEs maximum volume to the three voices. Line 20 POKEs values to voice 1 and plays a note for a few seconds. Line 30 adds voice two and plays a note mixed with voice 1 for a few seconds. Line 40 adds the third voice to the first two for a few seconds, then the program loops back to the beginning. The parameters for the three voices are in the subroutines in lines 60, 70 and 80. The subroutine in line 50 adds a delay so each voice can be monitored as the program advances. If any/all of the voices are missing or sound "muddy", suspect a bad SID. Ray Carlsen