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William Shatner autographs another Commodore bit

Started by RobertB, June 06, 2016, 10:23:48 AM

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     Since 2002, I've been going to the William Shatner Weekend in which we meet with Bill and go to his activities, like the Hollywood Charity Horse Show.  Every year I've had Bill autograph one or two Commodore Business Machines items for me.  This year I decided it would be the bottom trapdoor of a Commodore Amiga 1200.
     On Saturday we met him at the Los Angeles Equestrian Center where he gave us a talk on his current activities, fielded questions, posed for photos with us, and autographed our items.  When it was my turn, I handed him the trapdoor.  Jane, the organizer, explained once again (as she has done every year) that it was a computer part.  I told Bill, "It's a door from my computer... a Commodore."  He repeated, "Commodore."  Yes!  His connection to CBM ever since the Commodore PET and VIC-20 is continued!  :)

          Writing from the Los Angeles area,
          Robert Bernardo
          Fresno Commodore User Group

          July 30-31 Commodore Vegas Expo v12 -