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Notacon/Blockparty ham radio!

Started by RobertB, April 14, 2009, 08:37:54 PM

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     At this upcoming weekend's Notacon 6 / Blockparty 3, they are having a ham radio set-up.  For more details, go to


For even more specifics, click on the link in that message.

             Robert Bernardo
             Fresno Commodore User Group
             Notacon 6 / Blockparty 3 on April 16-19


Doing amateur radio is a positive step for a retro computer event. If they added some packet & other digital modes using retro computers would add to the fun.


Quote from: Rorshach on April 14, 2009, 10:37:17 PMDoing amateur radio is a positive step for a retro computer event.
Notacon/Blockparty is not really a retro computer event.  It only becomes retro when others like me and Jeri Ellsworth talk about/bring retro stuff.

                  Robert Bernardo
                  Fresno Commodore User Group
                  Notacon 6 / Blockparty 3 this weekend


And its only 'retro' when you weren't old enough or even born at the time the gear was made.  If you
are using gear that you've always used I don't see how it could be called retro.  Its like calling someone
with a 3 year old car a 'retro driver'.  ;-)

(currently working on a commercial radio license)


ham radio gear and computer stuff still must be over the age of 3 to be retro to anyone! Hint: a single core P4 system is NOT retro.