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Commodore Los Angeles Super Show 2021 - Nov. 6-7

Started by RobertB, May 29, 2021, 12:15:12 AM

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Wowie! The Commodore Los Angeles Super Show is back in business! :) The CLASS of 2021 is set for November 6-7 at the

Burbank Veterans of Foreign Wars hall
VFW USS Gudgeon Ship 8310
1006 W. Magnolia Blvd.
Burbank, California 91506, USA.

Hours are 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day. Admission is $25 whether you come for one day or both days.

More CLASS details can be found at

Photos of the hall are at

Note that the above CLASS website will be changing as more updates roll in.

See you in CLASS!
Robert Bernardo
organizer - Commodore Los Angeles Super Show


Updates have been made to the front page.  Some more CBM computers have been added to the Exhibits' list.  You can go directly to the list at

See you in CLASS!
Robert Bernardo
organizer - Commodore Los Angeles Super Show


     Final payment has been mailed to our venue, the Burbank VFW hall!  We are now locked into the event!

          Robert Bernardo


     Today I received confirmation that we can set up our computers for the Commodore Los Angeles Super Show on Friday, Nov. 5, after 1 p.m.! So, barring unforeseen traffic problems, I will be there at the Burbank VFW hall, 1006 W. Magnolia Blvd., in Burbank on that Friday at 1.  For those who cannot make the Friday set-up time, you can set up on Saturday morning before the 11 a.m. start of the show.  Saturday morning set-up time begins at 9 a.m..

          Robert Bernardo
          organizer - Commodore Los Angeles Super Show