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Happy 15th anniversary, SCCAN!

Started by RobertB, October 03, 2020, 01:30:33 AM

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     Though our in-person meeting for September was cancelled due to pandemic restrictions, we cannot forget that the Southern California Commodore & Amiga Network was founded 15 years ago!  The club began by having its first meeting in Jason Greene's garage with attendees Jason, the late Bogdan Macri, and myself.  Sometimes we would have meetings in Jason's living room which became more common when later he moved to a different house.  Still later, we held meetings in Joe May's garage, eventually having one meeting at a Denny's Restaurant.  When the Denny's decided to start charging us after that meeting, the search was on for a different locale.  The criteria - someplace free, someplace with climate control, someplace with electrical outlets, someplace comfortable, someplace with food, and someplace more in the public.  Eventually, this led us to our current venue which fulfilled all the criteria, Panera Bread Restaurant in Northridge.  With our more public presence, our membership grew from the original three members to a now-crowded corner of the restaurant for our meetings.
    When this pandemic subsides and the restrictions are lifted, we will return to Panera.  We will once again have meetings.

         Robert Bernardo
         Southern California Commodore & Amiga Network -


Looking forward to the next meet up!


     Looking forward to our July meeting!

          Robert Bernardo
          Southern California Commodore & Amiga Network -